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Marjorie Glatt’s life hasn’t been the same ever since she discovered ghosts hiding in her family’s laundromat. Now in the eighth grade and finally fitting in at school, Marjorie begins to distance herself from her ghost friend Wendell. Wendell isn’t the only one pushed to the outside, though. Marjorie’s classmate, Eliza Duncan, is beginning to feel like a ghost herself. Is Marjorie’s newfound popularity worth excluding both Wendell and Eliza? Following the events of Brenna Thummler’s first graphic novel, Sheets, Delicates tells a powerful story about the importance of being seen and bringing light to those who need it most.
Welcome to Read This Book, the newsletter where I recommend a book you should add to your TBR, STAT! I stan variety in all things, and my book recommendations will be no exception. These must-read books will span genres and age groups. There will be new releases, oldie but goldies from the backlist, and the classics you may have missed in high school. Oh my! If you’re ready to diversify your books, then LEGGO!!
There is only a week left in Women’s History Month 2021. If you are looking for another book written by a woman to read, then you have come to the right place, friend. If you are looking for some classic American literature, then today’s newsletter is dedicated to you.

The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton
Lily Bart is a beautiful, witty, and sophisticated socialite. However, as she nears thirty and remains unmarried, Lily’s foothold within high New York society becomes precarious. She needs a husband to preserve her social standing and maintain her expensive tastes, but something seems to prevent Lily from making a “suitable” match.
Sometimes when I read classics, the story just feels old and dated. Reading The House of Mirth was the total opposite experience. It was interesting and enlightening to read a story that was published in the early 20th century that felt like it could have taken place nearly a century later. At the age of 29, Lily Bart is beautiful, but is also well beyond prime marrying age. Unfortunately for her and the times in which she lives, marrying for love, money, and status was nearly impossible. With all that, there is definitely no way for Lily to free herself from the rules and regulations of New York society.
What really makes The House of Mirth such an excellent read is Lily Bart herself. Despite being sympathetic to Lily’s desire for independence from society’s expectations, I couldn’t believe all the precarious predicaments she allowed herself to fall into. There were so many times where I had to stop reading because of the second-hand embarrassment I felt for Lily. I just wanted to shake her and tell her to get it together, but no matter what anyone said, Lily Bart was going to make her way through New York society on her own terms. However, that’s also what made me go right back to the book as soon as possible. The House of Mirth is full of juicy drama that gives serious Gossip Girl vibes. XOXO
Until next time bookish friends,
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