
Broke 20 something/rich millenial giveaway

We have 10 copies each of Broke Millennial by Erin Lowry and Rich20Something by Daniel DiPiazza to give away to 10 Riot readers.

Here’s what they are all about:

Master your 20s with these savvy guidebooks from the founders of and

Broke Millenial is an essential roadmap for Millennials who want to transition from in debt and overwhelmed to financially informed and empowered—all while navigating tricky money issues like how to split the check when friends make (and drink) more and when to get “financially naked” with a significant other.

Rich20Something, written by “Millennial business guru” (Ebony) Daniel DiPiazza, offers hard-earned advice and step-by-step techniques to take you from overstressed, overworked and underpaid to personal, professional and financial freedom.

It’s time to take your career—and life—to the next level.

Go here for a chance to win, or just click the image below. Good luck!